Monday, 25 July 2011

To tan or not to tan?

I've always been a big fan of pale complexions, people like Michelle Tratchenburg for example- She has beautiful pale skin and stunning dark locks and she just wouldn't look right all tanned up! This is why I don't generally fake tan, I just don't think it would look right on me. However at the moment my skins beginning to look too pasty and really just washed out, so I'm beginning to think I should give it a go. I have tried st moritz fake tanning mousse before, which has had so many great reviews but I still managed to end up streaky- to be fair, it was applied by my friend whilst she was drunk, so maybe that has something to do with the results. But the other day I was at work (I work in boots) and I noticed St Tropez tanning mousse is on offer. It is currently about £13 if I remember rightly and it's usually around £20. I know it has great reviews I'm just wondering whether its worth me buying it knowing the St Moritz didn't work too well? and also I don't want to go too dark and I definitely don't want to end up orange! I'm not going to start tanning all the time, its just too time consuming. I'll just tan for nights out.

So let me me know what you think. Also I still dont have a working camera thanks to my sister but I get payed soon and I'm going to try and buy one!


  1. I share the same feelings as you about fake tanning. I think people like the one you've mentioned just wouldn't look right all tanned up! I have pretty fair skin and dark hair. I tan pretty easily, but I've never liked how dark my skin could get because it'd never look right with how dark my hair was. However, I must admit that I do tend to tan SOMETIMES when I'm going out too lol I've heard about St. Tropez, but never really gave it a shot. Maybe I should? :)

  2. welcome to the blogging world! it's so fun!

    xo Ashleigh

  3. I never tan. i have pale skin and love it!
    You have a new follower :) and if your interested come enter my giveaway for a chance to win a hold Me Bag cosmetic organizer. You can view the video and enter from the contest image in my side bar. If you would like to follow back, please use Google friend connect because the blog follow is acting up. Good Luck! XOXO

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  5. you've got a really cute header and blog
    xx ali avenue

  6. i kind of like pale look now.
    really dont like any tan-lotions feel or rub into my clothes.

  7. I've never fake tanned but it does really intrigue me! God forbid the orange though haha x

  8. I love my pale skin :) I only tan naturally, I've actually never tried fake tan before! x
